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My one man band. Based in my home town of Stavanger Norway, I'm a mulitdisciplinary designer with a bachelors degree in graphic design from the danish school of media and journalism.


Bernt H. Kommedal

Designer from Stavanger Norway. Born in the awesome year that was 1988. After moving around for for a few years I settled down in Stavanger, had a kid and got married. I love all things coffee, music and design.


Want to work together or you have any questions? Let me know! Send me an e-mail and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Follow me?

I sometimes post musicu00a0on my tumblr, I spam my instagram followers with coffee/dog/baby pictures and every now and then I write something on my twitterYou can also follow me on Behance/dribbble/ello or add me on beme. Check my sketchbook for my latest experiments and sketches.

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